Tuesday, July 6, 2010

Effective communication with deaf students - Information Shared by Col. Karaminder Singh Patiala

Effective communication is the key to teaching deaf students. This is true for yourself, as their lecturer or seminar tutor, and also for their fellow students when engaged in discussion or group activities. Tutors have a responsibility to ensure good communication in their lectures, and to facilitate it in the interactive setting of a seminar, tutorial or group discussion.

Communication skills and needs vary for each deaf student depending on factors such as
  • how well they lip-read
  • what useful hearing they have
  • their level of skill in British Sign Language (BSL)
  • the non-verbal cues that are available in any given situation.
Many people are unsure how to communicate effectively with a person who is deaf or hard of hearing and are anxious about whether they are doing the right thing. However, deaf students usually develop strategies to achieve effective communication, so wherever possible take the lead from them, and ask if you are not sure. Be aware that many deaf students use more than one communication strategy at a time.

A deaf student may need to book an interpreter or note taker in order to communicate with you outside formal learning situations. You may need to book a room that has an induction loop rather than use your own office, although if a portable system is available then meetings can be held in a variety of places. You might not be able to meet in a communal space because it may be too noisy.

A useful way to communicate with deaf students is by e-mail, and text messages can be used to make arrangements. Find out if a minicom (text) telephone is available for you to use, or you may need to use the RNID Typetalk service.

Be sensitive to the issues brought to you by deaf students and the difficulties they may experience with communication and use of English. If their learning support arrangements are not working they may wish to discuss this with you and it may be sensible for you to recommend that they also talk to a disability officer. Deaf students may derive considerable benefit from working with a specialist tutor, who may be able to support their development of study skills.

Be patient and friendly and take time to communicate. If a deaf student cannot understand you
  • repeat what you have said
  • rephrase what you have said
  • give clues to what you mean
  • write things down if necessary.
Here are some general good practice points to help you to communicate more effectively with your deaf students.
  • Face the deaf student and speak normally but clearly
  • Learn how to communicate effectively with deaf people who are lip-reading or using a sign language interpreter
  • Facilitate communication between a deaf student and other students
  • Keep background noise to a minimum
  • Remember, it is not possible for a deaf student to lip-read at the same time as reading other material (e.g. OHPs), watching (e.g. videos or demonstrations) or doing practical tasks
  • Make sure appropriate communication technologies are available and used (e.g. listening devices and loop systems)
  • Structure your teaching sessions well, write key words on the board, recap at intervals, use examples when explaining abstract concepts, and provide handouts and instructions in advance
  • Be prepared to allow additional time for a deaf student to understand and assimilate what you have said and to make contributions to discussions
  • Deaf people need to keep up high levels of concentraion in order to follow communication, so allow time for occasional relaxation or 'eye breaks'.
The following links take you to detailed guidance on how to communicate effectively with deaf and hard of hearing students who are using various communication strategies. This understanding can be applied to a range of teaching and learning situations, from formal lectures to informal group work.
Please read more about it from the source: http://www.open.ac.uk/inclusiveteaching/pages/understanding-and-awareness/effective-communication-with-deaf-students.php

Tuesday, February 9, 2010

How to Help the Handicap and Disabled

Hearing impairmentImage via Wikipedia
We all are mostly afraid of something that may occur in any form. It can be an accident and or other forms of mishaps leading to making one handicap. These fears are not prsent among those, who are already handicap. Why?

The can accept life as it is and we try to keep away from many risks that can make us excel beyond our limitaions. More carefree we are less risk is there and more careful we are more mstakes we make. The reason is simple as we know that we find ways to show the virtue, but as Sir William James says that the Virtue should be our habit.

Our this school aims to bring light to the blind, speech to the dumb and voice that the deaf can sense. The silent help is the voice with light and vision.

We can learn about How to Help the Handicaps and Disabled, it helps.

You see the school is going to offer many Internet services for all students and people, who want to suppost this cause. So, just let your voice be heard by hearts that know no language. Please donoate in any form. One, who can spend some time, money and any other service is a do-nation, the donation that all nations need as its cictizen need - our need to help and support is deed that only we can do.

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Saturday, January 30, 2010

Storytime_Tapestry - Carol's Corner - Making Friends by Making Baskets

Storytime Tapestry

The e-zine devoted to spreading cultural awareness around the world
Carol's corner
Carol's Corner is a collection of stories, articles, and poems by the publisher Carol Roach.
To view the entire article click on the link underneath the story.

Jan 30, 2010 –

Today's Story:

Excerpt from today's story

The general population is very uniformed when it comes to mental illness. Many people mistrust or even fear the mentally ill. Often the mentality ill are social outcasts ostracized from the community in which they live. However, one school in the Snowden, a Montreal suburb, intends on changing this. At least they intend on changing the attitude of four young students.

Please click on this link to read the article:

Owner - Carol Roach

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Friday, January 8, 2010

Patiala School for Blind - Louis Braille and His Short Life Story and Great Works - World Braille Day on 4th December


On the occasion of World Braille day on 04 Jan each year, it is important to know how an individual transformed the lives of millions of blind by providing them with a language which can be read and written. It is also unique that this language which consists of just 6 dots can be read and written in 64 languages.

This genius was a young French boy named Louis Braille. Blind from the age of three, young Louis desperately wanted to read. He realized the vast world of thought and ideas that was locked out to him because of his disability. And he was determined to find the key to this door for himself, and for all other blind persons.

There was a time, not long ago, when most people thought that blind people could never learn to read. People thought that the only way to read was to look at words with your eyes.

This story begins in the early part of the nineteenth century. Louis Braille was born in 1809, in a small village near Paris. His father made harnesses and other leather goods to sell to the other villagers. Louis' father often used sharp tools to cut and punch holes in the leather.

One of the tools he used to makes holes was a sharp awl. An awl is a tool that looks like a short pointed stick, with a round, wooden handle. While playing with one of his father's awls, Louis' hand slipped and he accidentally poked one of his eyes. At first the injury didn't seem serious, but then the wound became infected. A few days later young Louis lost sight in both his eyes. The first few days after becoming blind were very hard.

But as the days went by Louis learned to adapt and learned to lead an otherwise normal life. He went to school with all his friends and did well at his studies. He was both intelligent and creative. He wasn't going to let his disability slow him down one bit.

As he grew older, he realized that the small school he attended did not have the money and resources he needed. He heard of a school in Paris that was especially for blind students. Louis didn't have to think twice about going. He packed his bags and went off to find himself a solid education.

When he arrived at the special school for the blind, he asked his teacher if the school had books for blind persons to read. Louis found that the school did have 14 books for the blind to read.

These books had large letters that were raised up off the page. Since the letters were so big, the books themselves were large and bulky. These were gigantic books with gigantic raised letters. Only a few letters were written in a line. More importantly, the books were expensive to buy.

Louis set about reading all fourteen books in the school library. He could feel each letter, but it took him a long time to read a sentence. It took a few seconds to reach each word and by the time he reached the end of a sentence, he almost forgot what the beginning of the sentence was about. Louis knew there must be a better way.

There must be a way for a blind person to quickly feel the words on a page. There must be a way for a blind person to read as quickly and as easily as a sighted person.

That day he set himself the goal of thinking up a system for blind people to read. He would try to think of some alphabet code to make his 'finger reading' as quick and easy as sighted reading.

One day somebody at the school heard about an alphabet code that was being used by the French army. This code was used to deliver messages at night from officers to soldiers. The messages could not be written on paper because the soldier would have to strike a match to read it. The light from the match would give the enemy a target at which to shoot. The alphabet code was made up of small dots and dashes. These symbols were raised up off the paper so that soldiers could read them by running their fingers over them. Once the soldiers understood the code, everything worked fine.

Louis got hold of some of this code and tried it out. It was much better than reading the gigantic books with gigantic raised letters. But the army code was still slow and cumbersome. The dashes took up a lot of space on a page. Each page could only hold one or two sentences. Louis knew that he could improve this alphabet in some way.

His mother and father always encouraged him on his music and other school projects. Louis sat down to think about how he could improve the system of dots and dashes. He liked the idea of the raised dots, but could do without the raised dashes.

As he sat there in his father's leather shop, he picked up one of his father's blunt awls. The idea came to him in a flash. The very tool which had caused him to go blind could be used to make a raised dot alphabet that would enable him to read.

The next few days he spent working on an alphabet made up entirely of six dots. The position of the different dots would represent the different letters of the alphabet.
Louis used the blunt awl to punch out a sentence. He read it quickly from left to right. Everything made sense. It worked...

Each Braille character or "cell" is made up of 6 dot positions, arranged in a rectangle comprising 2 columns of 3 dots each. A dot may be raised at any of the 6 positions, or any combination. Braille is a writing system which enables blind and partially sighted people to read and write through touch.

P.S.: Dear Friends, 04 Jan every year is celebrated as World Braille Day. It is celebrated to remember the great saviour of blind, LOUIS BRAILLE who gave the power to the The Blind to read and write with the concept of Braille which he originated.


United Artists Patiala Presented a Programme "Ray of Hope" in the Central Library Patiala

Dear Friends,

Here is another news from the Special children of Patiala school for the Deaf and Patiala School for The Blind .

United Artists Patiala presented a programme " Ray of Hope" in the Central library Patiala on 5 Jan 2010.Vice Chancellor Punjabi University was the Chief Guest.

This programme was dedicated to special children in which only special children took part.The aim was to give a platform to these children to show their talent. This event was in the form of a fashion show.

I myself was surprised at the beautiful performance of our children and how charming they all were looking.

I am forwarding only a few photographs of the show of our children.

Anju in Indian Bridal dress

Left Anu Right Rohit

Thanks for your reading it!